Belle île's restaurants

The restaurants

Here is a non-exhaustive list of nice places to have lunch or dinner on the island. It is of course advisable to check if the establishment is open and to make a reservation before you go.

In Locmaria

(around 2-4 km from the houses of Kerdavid'île)
Resataurant Crêperie" L'Amusettee " : on the right of the church, large terrace - 00 33 2 97 31 77 96 - Restaurant " Le Suet " : fresh products, small menu - 00 33 9 85 02 56 28

Restaurant " Le Transat " near the town hall - 00 33 2 97 31 07 05 - 00 33 6 19 78 64 89 "Mabalulu" restaurant, bar, ice cream (in season), view of the beach Port-Andro - 00 33 2 97 52 57 29

In Bangor

Crêperie " Café Coton " - 00 33 2 97 31 32 62 (children's area and outdoor concerts) Crêperie " Chez Renée " (very pleasant shaded outdoor terrace) - 00 33 2 97 31 52 87 Hotel-restaurant " Le grand large " - Anse de Goulphar (very nice view) - 00 33 2 97 31 80 92

In Sauzon

(many restaurants) "La petite table" (on the port) - 00 33 6 33 36 74 78 "L'abri côtier" (nice view from the veranda) - 00 33 2 97 31 60 50 "Café de la cale" (seafood) - 00 33 2 97 31 65 74 "L'hôtel du phare " (Bar-resto with view on the port) - 00 33 2 97 31 60 36  "Le Cardinal" hotel-restaurant with seafood buffet - 00 33 2 97 31 61 60 Crêperie " Les Embrunts " - nice view and authentic - 00 33 2 97 31 64 78

In Le Palais

(many restaurants) "Le Corto Maltese" - opposite the church entrance - 00 33 2 97 31 37 37 "Le verre à pied" (very nice outside terrace) - 00 33 2 97 31 29 65 "L'Atlantique" (view on the port) - 00 33 2 97 31 81 27 Crêperie " l'annexe " (along the quays) - 00 33 2 97 31 81 53 Crêperie " La Paloma " (indoor and outdoor space adapted to families) - 00 33 2 97 31 50 56